Carol Raisfeld
Carol Raisfeld lives in Atlantic Beach, a barrier island close to New York City, USA. Her poetry, art and photography appear worldwide in print, online journals and anthologies.
Twitter: @carol_red
a swarm of gnats
in the park
the mime’s silent scream
Failed Haiku September 2017 Issue
active senior living
"spicy adult bedroom aids
medicare approved"
Failed Haiku January 2019 Issue
the argument
he apologizes
to her hair flip
Cattails August 2018 Issue
at the beach
all his tattoos
spell Mother
Autumn Leaves, v7n5
city street
waving goodbye inside
the bus exhaust
Haiku Foundation December 2018
cross country
only the male pigeon
won't ask directions
Failed Haiku February 2019 Issue
crowded beach
a tattooed momma in
a bikini, I think
Simply Haiku Summer 2008, v6n2
Down! Stay!
the veterinarian’s wife
puts the kids to bed
Simply Haiku Summer 2007, v5n2
the electrician
as usual, talking about
current events
Simply Haiku Spring 2006, v4n1
Energizer Bunny
charged with battery
Failed Haiku January 2019 Issue
first date
the cat hisses
at his toupee
Simply Haiku Winter 2006, v4n4
grandma . . .
still not telling her
I burned my bra
Equiverse Space: A WE Anthology June 2018
first visit
the dentist admires the tooth
on her stuffed rabbit
The Temple Bell Stops May 2013
house renovation
the magic mushrooms
he hid 25 years ago
Tempslibres May 2018
incontinence hotline
four rings . . . .
can you hold, please?
Prune Juice November 2017 Issue
magicians' parking lot
**no trespassing!**
violators will be toad
Simply Haiku Spring 2006, v4n1
at the party
again, the dog can't
hold his licker
Simply Haiku Winter 2006, v4n4
the palmist gasps
then asks to be paid
in advance
naad anunaad September 2016 First Edition
picket line
yelling, aunt Dora fogets
what she’s protesting
Simply Haiku Summer 2007, v5n2
all her buttons
looking for mute
Failed Haiku February 2019 Issue
rummage sale
her husband in the chair
not worth keeping
Tempslibres 2008
snack time
the vegetarian kid
eyes the animal crackers
Simply Haiku Winter 2009, v7n4
tired of sleeping
with a drip
she calls the plumber
Simply Haiku Winter 2007, v5n4
wig heist
police combing
the area for clues
Cattails August 2018
window washer
she watches him
watching her
Haiku Foundation April 2018
bus stop —
he lets the mini skirt
board first
Simply Haiku, Autumn 2007, vol 5 no3
just married -
a friendship of many years
begins to end
Failed Haiku April 2016
watching the dogs
she asks about the birds
and the bees
Simply Haiku, Summer 2007, vol 5 no 2
defiant fart --
objection sustained
he approaches the bench
Failed Haiku May 2016
gossip column—
only the ink remains
World Haiku Review Vol 5 Issue1 - 2005 (Editor's Choice: The Grand Best) *
naad anunaad: an anthology of contemporary international haiku 2016
* The critique of this senryu by Susumu Takiguchi is worth reading
fainting at the sound
of the F-word ...
she misses the sunset
Simply Haiku Spring 2005, vol 3 no 1
after the divorce
a miracle . . .
his hearing returns
Simply Haiku, Winter 2005, vol 3 no 4
breakfast together –
the silence about things
that matter
The Red Moon Anthology 2003
Simply Haiku, Summer 2006,vol 4 no 2
anniversary gift —
filling her old sweater
with new cleavage
Simply Haiku Summer 2006, vol 4 no 2
garage sale -
the flowered couch on which
I became a woman
Simply Haiku, Summer 2006, vol 4 no 2
La Lune dans les cheveux, 88 femmes plus un 2010
feng shui -
his feet face south
hers face north
Failed Haiku April 2016
between snores
and a tick of the clock
an erection
Simply Haiku Autumn 2005, vol 3 no 3
just married -
home is where
your parked at
Failed Haiku March 2017
closet renovation--
removing all her clothes
she nails the carpenter
Simply Haiku Autumn 2005, vol 3 no 3
just married
eating the oysters
he used to hate
Simply Haiku v4n2, 2006
the kids baptize Barbie
in the new toilet
Failed Haiku March 2017